[MITgcm-support] Different output shortly after restart

Roland Young young at atm.ox.ac.uk
Sat Dec 13 08:55:59 EST 2014

Hi Jean-Michel,

I tried your suggestion and I think it has fixed it.

I ran four short runs:

One for 1d then another 1d, with mnc pickup I/O off
A second for 2d with mnc pickup I/O off

One for 1d then another 1d, with mnc pickup I/O on
A second for 2d with mnc pickup I/O on

In the second pair of runs I found the same thing I found in my longer runs - the %MON diagnostics at the restart point were slightly different in the angular momentum quantities, and then the restarted run began to diverge from the 2d run after one time step.

In the first pair of runs all the diagnostic output was identical after the restart, including the am_ diagnostics and the cg2d diagnostic.

So not using the mnc pickup I/O looks like it fixes it.

As I have not been saving .data pickup files in my longer runs, I was wondering whether a script exists to convert the mnc pickup files to meta/data pickup files? Otherwise I may need to restart the longer runs I have already partially completed. 

Also, I wondered whether a script exists to convert a model state with a particular tile decomposition to another decomposition (e.g. from 8x16 to 8x8). Or is the best way to do that to generate binary start files for each field from the original decomposition and use them as initial conditions via the &PARM05 namelist?

Best wishes,


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