[MITgcm-support] Question on using EXF, repeatPeriod, and fieldperiod

Dan Jones dcjones.work at gmail.com
Mon Aug 25 09:51:44 EDT 2014

Hi all,

I am attempting to force an ocean model using six-hourly forcing fields.  I
have three years of forcing data that I want to use on repeat (i.e. I want
to loop the same three years over and over again).  In addition, I would
like to restore SSS to a monthly climatology.  I'm trying to do all this
through the EXF package.

In data.exf, I have:

 repeatPeriod = 0.,

so that the individual field periods are used.  Next, I have settings for
individual fields:

 uwindstartdate1   = 20080101,
 uwindstartdate2   = 000000,
 uwindperiod       = 21600.0,

For SSS restoring, I also have in data.exf:

 climsssfile = 'location of file',
 climsssperiod = -12.,
 climsssTauRelax = 10519500.,

This setup nearly works, except that the forcing files do not repeat.  The
model abruptly terminates at the three-year mark after reporting that it
can't find the next record in the external forcing file, i.e.:

forrtl: severe (36): attempt to access non-existent record, unit 9, file

Is there a field variable that sets the cycle duration of individual fields
(i.e. the repeat period of individual fields, something like
externalForcingCycle in data)?  If I set repeatPeriod to three years in
data.exf, will that affect my monthly SSS restoring?  Should I give up on
using EXF exclusively and set something like the following in data (PARM03)?

periodicExternalForcing = .TRUE.,
externForcingPeriod = 21600.,
externForcingCycle = 94694400.

Would that approach clash with SSS restoring?

Thanks very much!


Dr Dan Jones
British Antarctic Survey, NERC
Cambridge, UK

Phone: +44 (0)1223 221505
Fax: +44 (0)1223 362616
Skype:  dcjones.work

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