[MITgcm-support] RBCS Package Question

Jean-Michel Campin jmc at ocean.mit.edu
Fri Aug 8 11:05:43 EDT 2014

Hi Mitchell,

You probably have pkg/generic_advdiff included (compiled) in the 
channel set-up you run before, either explicitly 
(generic_advdiff in your packages.conf file), or part of 
the default group of pkgs "gfd" (MITgcm/pkg/pkg_groups) or
implicitly by compiling a pkg that depends on generic_advdiff
You should be able to check which package is compiled by looking at:
- the output (on the screen) of genmake2 (packages are: ...)
- the genmake2 produced file "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h" (Enabled packages:)
- the Makefile (but it's less easy there).

Regarding the list of pkgs to include, 
it's probably a good idea to start from the default (i.e., "gfd")
and to add the pkgs you needs (e.g., rbcs); if you know that you
don't need to compile one pkg from the default list "gfd", you can
remove it (with a minus sign in front of it in packages.conf,
such as here: MITgcm/verification/advect_xz/code/packages.conf).


On Fri, Aug 08, 2014 at 06:58:11AM -0700, Mitchell Black, Jr. wrote:
> Hi Jean-Michel,
> I had tried keeping the default value of tempStepping = True, but an error message would appear saying temperature and salinity cannot be stepped forward without including generic_advdiff in packages.conf. In the channel run I had made a couple days ago, however, I did not have to include this package. Do you know if there is something else that is causing this error message to appear?
> Thanks!
> Mitchell
> On Thursday, August 7, 2014 4:36 PM, Jean-Michel Campin <jmc at ocean.mit.edu> wrote:
> Hi Mitchell,
> If you want the temperature to evolve with time, you should keep the 
> default value for tempStepping (which is =TRUE).
> Did I understand the things correctly ?
> Cheers,
> Jean-Michel
> On Thu, Aug 07, 2014 at 12:49:39PM -0700, Mitchell Black, Jr. wrote:
> > Hi Jean-Michel,
> > 
> > I have been working trying to get the adjustment.cs-32x32x1 setup working with the rbcs package and have been having some trouble. There is no change in temperature with time, despite a relatively small relaxation period and a large difference between initial temperature and relaxation temperature. I'm wondering if there is a flag somewhere that needs to be turned on. Do you have any idea what the issue might involve? Here are the parameters I've modified or added in the data file:
> > 
> > momAdvection=.FALSE.,
> >  tempAdvection=.TRUE.,
> >  tempForcing=.TRUE.,
> >  tempStepping=.FALSE.,
> > 
> > I was using the RBCS package on a different configuration (chn) the other day and the forcing was too strong so I moved to this model instead and tried to replicate the settings, to no avail. I was hoping making these changes would produce some flow in the results, but they are still stagnant. If any other information would be helpful to provide I would be happy to do so.
> > 
> > Best,
> > 
> > Mitchell

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