[MITgcm-support] Bias correction for ETA!!

Abhisek Chakraborty abhisek.sac at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 13:00:08 EDT 2013

Dear MITgcm users,

I am trying to correct the model biases asscociated with ETA field relative
to GODAS (NCEP) analysis. After correcting the biases, I have to write a
new pickup file from which the model can be hot-started for further
simulation. My pickup file has these fields: uVel, Gunm1, vVel, Gvnm1,
theta, salt, etaN (surface elevation), dEtaHdt (exact conservation), etaH
(non-lin free surface).
Now my query is if I put bias corrected ETA as etaN, then what I should
write for dEtaHdt and etaH in the pickup files.
(I think this issue also arrises for assimilating Sea Level Anomoly, SLA.)
Any guidance will be of great help for me.

Thanking in advance,
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