[MITgcm-support] Fwd: input files for regional model

Jonny Williams Jonny.Williams at bristol.ac.uk
Fri Dec 6 12:32:30 EST 2013

Hello again

I think I'm now at the stage of starting to run the regional model for my
region of interest (as modified from the Arctic regional model)! Needless
to say that my first go has not worked so here is a brief run through of
what I've done so far to turn the Arctic regional model into my regional

(1)  Modified the 'data' file to reflect the cartesian coordinate system
now in use (copied from the 1D_ocean_ice_column verification experiment)...

# Gridding parameters
 delZ   = 10.00, 10.00, 10.00, 10.00, 10.00, 10.00, 10.00, 10.01,
 10.03, 10.11, 10.32, 10.80, 11.76, 13.42, 16.04 , 19.82, 24.85,
 31.10, 38.42, 46.50, 55.00, 63.50, 71.58, 78.90, 85.15, 90.18,
 93.96, 96.58, 98.25, 99.25,100.01,101.33,104.56,111.33,122.83,

(2) Recompiled my executable (which worked) having already changed my
SIZE.h file to what I believe to be a correct set of processor
decomposition parameters

(3) Replaced all of the input '.dat' files with those which I have made
from the global forcing dataset which I am using and repaced the relevant
lines in, for example, data.exf and data.obcs.

This is basically the error I get (there is no extra information in the
STDERR and STDOUT files)

"PGFIO-F-233/namelist read/unit=11/too many constants to initialize group
 File name = scratch1.0012    formatted, sequential access   record = 52
 *In source file exf_readparms.f, at line number 3657*
[NID 02232] 2013-12-06 17:09:30 Apid 6359875: initiated application

This refers to the following line...

"READ(  iUnit, nml = EXF_NML_04 )"

Which in turn refers to the following in data.exf...

 precip_lon0       = -30.0D0,
 precip_lon_inc    = 0.1D0,
 precip_lat0       = -70.0D0,
 precip_lat_inc    = 800*0.1D0,
 precip_nlon       = 451,
 precip_nlat       = 801,"

I am trying to run at 0.1 degree resolution across a domain. Does this
error mean that I am trying to run at an impossibly high resolution for a
domain of this size?

Many thanks for any input once again and apologies for the long message.


On 5 December 2013 18:32, Menemenlis, Dimitris (3248) <
Dimitris.Menemenlis at jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:

>  For lat/lon gid, you don't need any grid information files.
> You specify everything in runtime parameter file "data"
> See, for example, MITgcm/verification/lab_sea/input/data
>   &PARM04
>  usingSphericalPolarGrid=.TRUE.,
>  delX=20*2.E0,
>  delY=16*2.E0,
>  delZ= 10., 10., 15., 20., 20., 25., 35., 50., 75.,
>        100., 150., 200., 275., 350., 415., 450.,
>        500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500., 500.,
>  ygOrigin=46.,
>  xgOrigin=280.,
>  rSphere = 6371.D3,
>  &
>   On Dec 5, 2013, at 10:24 AM, Jonny Williams wrote:
> Hi there
>  I'm attempting to modify the Arctic regional model described here...
>  http://mitgcm.org/viewvc/MITgcm/MITgcm_contrib/arctic/cs_36km/readme.txt
>  http://ecco2.jpl.nasa.gov/data1/arctic/run_template2/README_arctic2.txt
>  My question is regarding the coordinate system. The Arctic model uses
> "usingCurvilinearGrid=.TRUE.," in the data input file but I want to use a
> regular latitude-longitude grid ("usingCartesianGrid=.TRUE.").
>  When I do this, do I also need all of the many other input files needed
> (LATC.bin, LONC.bin, RA.bin, RAW.bin etc etc)?
>  If I don't need these files, then whereabouts do I specify information
> regarding the grid system?
>  Many thanks :)
>  Jonny
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Dr Jonny Williams
School of Geographical Sciences
University of Bristol
University Road

+44 (0)117 3318352
jonny.williams at bristol.ac.uk
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