[MITgcm-support] CD scheme/OBCS

Holly Dail hdail at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 30 15:36:31 EST 2012

Hello -

Has anyone implemented the CD scheme with OBCS?  I see comments on this list from Martin from 2006 saying it shouldn't be too hard and giving some hints on what needs to be done.  Has anyone tried it?  Have any advice?

As to where I'm at, I've commented out the stop in OBCS and built the code with both OBCS and cd_code compiled in.  It blows up after about 90 days in my setup, not surprisingly since I haven't made any fixes to the code yet.  My setup is Atlantic basin lat/lon grid at 1 degree with a single open boundary at the southern end.

Thanks in advance for any advice -

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