[MITgcm-support] Freshwater OBCS problem

Jody Klymak jklymak at uvic.ca
Thu Dec 27 14:13:16 EST 2012

On Dec 27, 2012, at  11:00 AM, Dustin Carroll <spanishcastlemagik at gmail.com> wrote:

> I also tried turning off the forcing and just setting certain locations of the initial T and S to (1 psu and 1 deg C). This causes the model to get negative salinities as well.

Well, this is a good clue.  My guess is that you are violating the CFL criterion, perhaps because your initial density profile is unstable and convecting (did you check it? I can never remember if we fill from the bottom up or top down, and often set the model up upside down, which is always embarrassing).  30 s time steps for 100x2.5 m resolution is not small enough, unless your model isn't doing anything.  I'd drop it to something more like 6 s, or even 3 s if you are running non-hydrostatic.  

Get the unforced case running first, and then you can worry about the forcing. 

Again, to get things going, I set dumpFreq=deltaT if I am having problems, and then plot the data to see where the output fails.  Often helps me figure out the problem.  Strongly suggest you make some plots of your data.

Cheers,   Jody

Jody Klymak    

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