[MITgcm-support] Heat Budget in tutorial (Global Ocean Simulation at 4 deg)

Martin Losch Martin.Losch at awi.de
Tue May 17 04:12:00 EDT 2011


what would be interesting in this context are details of your configuration, e.g. the content of your "code" directory (main the cpp-flags that you use), and your namelists (data* files).

Wild guess:
Did you ever plot the ratio of the two curves? From the figure it looks like this ratio might be constant, which would then point to an inconsistency in your analysis (e.g. Cp is no the same as in the model, or there is a problem/systematic inaccuracy with the computation of the "mass_cell", etc.)


On May 16, 2011, at 9:25 PM, Krishnakumar Rajagopalan wrote:

> Hi All,
> It seems that the heat globally added at the ocean surface does not match the heat absorbed by the ocean.
> Let Ho and Ht denote the initial  enthalpy and enthalpy at time, t,  of the ocean.  Then (Ht – Ho) represents the change in enthalpy , del H, of the ocean which is calculated from  summing  over all the cells, mass_cell*Cp*( T(t) - T_initial  ),  where T_initial  and T(t) represent the initial temperature and temperature at time, t, of the cell.  The quantity, del H,  at any time , must  equal the heat supplied to the ocean till that time,  which in the case of this tutorial comes from the restoring term { -lamba*(theta-SST) }  and Qnet.   I have integrated the diagnostic,  surfForcT (model surface forcing for Temperature), over the area of the ocean and with time to calculate the heat, Q entering the ocean. (The surfForcT is output every month). In (attached) figure, the red line shows del  H as a function of time and the blue line shows Q supplied to the ocean  upto that time, t .  Ideally the two lines must coincide.  What could be the reason for this apparent discrepency which actually increases with time ?
> Thanks in advance
> Krishnakumar
> <dH_and_Q.jpg>_______________________________________________
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