[MITgcm-support] Periodic Domain (or not)

Nico Wienders wienders at fsu.edu
Thu May 5 13:14:00 EDT 2011

Dear All,

Is there any flag somewhere regarding the periodicity or not of the domain for
a given configuration or is it only implicit and via the topography definition 
and/or the use of OBCS for instance...

Thank you.

Nico Wienders  

Florida State University  -  Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science  -  OSB415
117 N. Woodward Avenue, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4320 - wienders at fsu.edu
(850) 644-1987  (office)   |   (850) 294-3542 (cell)   |   (850) 644-2581 (fax)

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