[MITgcm-support] MPI on SGI

Nikki Lovenduski uclanik at gmail.com
Mon Jun 13 14:24:30 EDT 2011

Hi Matt, Ryan, et al.,

Thanks for your rapid responses.

I'm compiling an older version of the model (checkpoint 58).  I tried adding
usingMPI =.TRUE., to eedata, but got the same result.

Here's my optfile:


FC=`which mpif77`
CC=`which mpicc`
CPP='cpp  -traditional -P'
LIBS="-L/opt/torque/lib -L$MPIROOT/lib -L$NETCDF/lib -lnetcdf -lmpich"
#  For IEEE, use the "-ffloat-store" option
if test "x$IEEE" = x ; then
    FFLAGS="-Wunused -Wuninitialized -DWORDLENGTH=4 -I$NETCDF/include"
    FOPTIM='-O3 -funroll-loops'
    FFLAGS="-Wunused -ffloat-store -DWORDLENGTH=4 -I$NETCDF/include"
    FOPTIM='-O0 '

And here's my job submission script:

#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=8
#PBS -m ae

NNODES=`uniq $PBS_NODEFILE | wc -l`



echo "--> Node file: " $PBS_NODEFILE
echo "--> Running on nodes: " `uniq $PBS_NODEFILE`
echo "--> Number of cpus: " $NCPU
echo "--> Number of nodes: " $NNODES
echo "--> Launch command: " $CMD

cd test_16cpu_nl
$CMD test_16cpu_nl/mitgcmuv_test_16cpu_nl

Any additional comments or suggestions would be most helpful!


Hi Nikki,

not sure, but perhaps try adding
 usingMPI =.TRUE.,
to eedata

Though this error doesn't seem to be part of the new code -- what
version are you using?


Hi Nikki,

It will be easier to figure out what's going on if you tell us which
optfile you are using at build time (specified in your genmake2
command) and also exactly how you are calling the executable at run
time (your job sumbmission script).


On Jun 10, 2011, at 2:53 PM, Nikki Lovenduski wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to run the sector model version of MITgcm on an SGI Altix
> HPCC.  The model runs fine on 1 processor.  However, I am having
> trouble running on 16 processors:  The compilation works fine (I add
> -mpi to my genmake2 command and specify nPx = 2 and nPy = 8 in
> SIZE.h), but I get an error at execution in the routine INI_PROCS.
> *** ERROR *** S/R INI_PROCS: No. of processes not equal to
> nPx*nPy    1   16
> This error message indicates that MPI only assigns 1 processor to my
> run; whereas, it should be running on nPx*nPy=16 processors.
> My job submission script specifies the correct number of processors
> (-n 16).
> Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks,
> Nikki
> ----------------------
> Nikki Lovenduski
> Univ. Colorado at Boulder
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