[MITgcm-support] interpolate sea ice fields

Daiwei (David) Wang daiwei at MIT.EDU
Wed Aug 17 14:01:18 EDT 2011


I intend to interpolate a set of pickup files to a grid five times 
(horizontally) coarser than the original grid, and wonder what the most 
appropriate means of interpolation is for sea ice fields, which are

$ cat pickup_seaice.0000000001.meta
  nDims = [   2 ];
  dimList = [
   3060,    1, 3060,
    510,    1,  510
  dataprec = [ 'float64' ];
  nrecords = [    13 ];
  timeStepNumber = [      26280 ];
  /* modelTime = [  3.153600000000E+07 ];*/
  nFlds = [    7 ];
  fldList = {
  'siTICES ' 'siAREA  ' 'siHEFF  ' 'siHSNOW ' 'siHSALT ' 'siUICE  ' 
'siVICE  '

Will naive sub-sampling of every five grid points do, or area-weighted 


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