[MITgcm-support] Re Exf package and interpolation in time

Georges Djoumna gdjoumna at math.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jan 13 14:04:46 EST 2010

Thanks Dimitris and Martin for all the clarifications.

When I use time interpolation in the exf package, the results  are  
not good and are  too different to those obtained using my one linear  
time interpolation. May be I doing something wrong again.
For my one interpolation with Timestep= 150s, I have about 24 values  
to determined between two data, to obtain value between to hourly  
data, I used linear interpolation

  If I have 100hourly data, the code reads new data every 100h and  
interpolates in-between, I look inside the code in order to  
understand why the results are so different : For example for  
hfluxperiod = 360000:
in exf_getffieldrec.F
   fac = 1. - fldsecs/fldperiod
where flperiod =360000
  and the linear interpolation look like fac*val1 +(1-fac)*val2
for large flperiod, fldsecs / fldperiod will be too small.

After reading 100hourly data, what does the code do to determine the  
values after n*Timestep (n=0,,,24 for example)?

Thanks a lots.

Georges Djoumna
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