[MITgcm-support] Mass flux

aslavin at mun.ca aslavin at mun.ca
Wed Aug 25 12:12:31 EDT 2010

Dear colleagues,

I have a problem with implementing mass flux into my model. Question in general:
How to implement mass flux to runoff fresh water flux? I added runoff fresh
water flux by EmPmRFile='runoff.bin', in my data and I also added it by EXF
package (another way). It works fine, but it only changed salinity of the fluid
and did not implementing real mass flux. I looked through external_forcing.F and
found out this part of code:
      IF ( selectAddFluid.NE.0 .AND. salt_addMass.NE.UNSET_RL ) THEN
       IF ( ( selectAddFluid.GE.1 .AND. nonlinFreeSurf.GT.0 )
     &      .OR. convertFW2Salt.EQ.-1. _d 0 ) THEN
         DO j=1,sNy
          DO i=1,sNx
            gS(i,j,kLev,bi,bj) = gS(i,j,kLev,bi,bj)
     &        + addMass(i,j,kLev,bi,bj)*mass2rUnit
     &          *( salt_addMass - salt(i,j,kLev,bi,bj) )
     &          *recip_rA(i,j,bi,bj)
     &          *recip_drF(kLev)*_recip_hFacC(i,j,kLev,bi,bj)
C    &          *recip_deepFac2C(kLev)*recip_rhoFacC(kLev)
         DO j=1,sNy
          DO i=1,sNx
            gS(i,j,kLev,bi,bj) = gS(i,j,kLev,bi,bj)
     &        + addMass(i,j,kLev,bi,bj)*mass2rUnit
     &          *( salt_addMass - sRef(kLev) )
     &          *recip_rA(i,j,bi,bj)
     &          *recip_drF(kLev)*_recip_hFacC(i,j,kLev,bi,bj)
C    &          *recip_deepFac2C(kLev)*recip_rhoFacC(kLev)
#endif /* ALLOW_ADDFLUID */

But I didn't understand how it is work. I added #define ALLOW_ADDFLUID into my
CPP_OPTIONS.h on pre-compile step and selectAddFluid=1, into my data file. I
also tried convertFW2Salt=-1,..
Maybe someone had experience with mass flux or have any idea how its works?
Thank you in advance for any kind of help.

Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. 

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