[MITgcm-support] 3D forcing fields

Martin Losch Martin.Losch at awi.de
Wed Nov 18 08:22:43 EST 2009

Hi Göran,

If you just want to prescribe a 3D field at certain time intervals,  
I'd create a 3D forcing field (in FFIELDS.h) and copy/extend the input- 
scheme of external_fields_load.F (instead of READ_REC_XY_RS  you'll  
have to use READ_REC_XYZ_RS). If the z-dependence is a simple function  
of depth (e.g. exp(-z/decayDepth)), I'd stick with 2D fields (because  
reading is expensive) and add the vertical function to  
external_forcing_u/v (external_forcing.F)

Alternatively, you can do the whole reading stuff in pkg/exf (where  
you'd have to create new fields too, EXF_FIELDS.h and exf_getforcing.F).


On Nov 18, 2009, at 2:03 PM, Gøran Brostrøm wrote:

> Dear MITgcm friends
> I work on implementing surface wave forcing on an ocean model. The  
> forcing from the surface waves will be 3-Dimensional and change with  
> time (i.e., the extra forcing from the surface waves will appear as  
> a 3D source term that changes with depth and time in the ocean  
> model). For forcing on the surface you use  
> periodicExternalForcing=.TRUE, set an externForcingPeriod and  
> provide e.g., zonalWindFile to include a forcing field that changes  
> in time.
> Is there any prebuilt routine for supplying the same type of forcing  
> for a full 3-dimensional forcing fields. If no, any suggestion for  
> the easiest hack. Is it to make e.g., zonalWindFile 3D?
> Sincerely
> Göran Broström
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