[MITgcm-support] namelist; end of file reached without finding group

Michael Schaferkotter (Contractor) Michael.Schaferkotter.ctr at nrlssc.navy.mil
Mon Jul 13 12:09:23 EDT 2009

greetings all;

i updated my production version of MITgcm a few days ago.

when i now rerun an experiment i get the following:

C--   Input files
PGFIO-F-228/namelist read/unit=11/end of file reached without finding group.
 File name = scratch1    formatted, sequential access   record = 1
 In source file ini_parms.f, at line number 1991
PGFIO-F-228/namelist read/unit=11/end of file reached without finding group.
 File name = scratch1    formatted, sequential access   record = 1
 In source file ini_parms.f, at line number 1991
[NID 1372]Apid 1023803: initiated application termination
PGFIO-F-228/namelist read/unit=11/end of file reached without finding group.
PGFIO-F-228/namelist read/unit=11/end of file reached without finding group.
 File name = scratch1    formatted, sequential access   record = 1

   1988       WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') 'S/R INI_PARMS ; starts to read PARM01'
   1989       CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit,
   1990      &                    SQUEEZE_RIGHT, myThid )
   1991       READ(UNIT=iUnit,NML=PARM01) !,IOSTAT=errIO)
   1992       IF ( errIO .LT. 0 ) THEN
   1993        WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)')
   1994      &  'S/R INI_PARMS'

this is an mpi compiled executable on an xt5.

there was a similar issue in the past, in which a list member suggested a fix involving editting 

eeset_parms.F and open_copy_data_file.F. the problem was with the scratch files for the namelists.

in my code directory, i still have:

eeset_parms.F and open_copy_data_file.F

any ideas on this?


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