[MITgcm-support] ETA with making Boussinesq approximations

连展 lianzhan at fio.org.cn
Tue Aug 25 23:44:17 EDT 2009


    I am trying to study the change of ETA in a model with making Boussinesq approximations.I start from the example experiment "tutorial_global_oce_in_p". However,I find that the model output ETA in pressure coordinates in this experiment.Can I output the ETA in Z-coordinates diretly? 
    I translated the ETA from  pressure coordinates  to Z-coordinates by dividing rho(suferface layer)*g,and I found the result is very different from the result of experiment "tutorial_global_oce_latlon".Does "ETA" have the same meaning in this two experiment?How could I get the free-surface_r-anomaly(m) in a model with making Boussinesq approximations?


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