[MITgcm-support] Depth at location and hFac?

David Hebert david.hebert.ctr at nrlssc.navy.mil
Fri Aug 7 13:31:59 EDT 2009

Given the use of partial cells and discretization it seem possible 
(perhaps likely) that the actual depth of a water column will differ 
from the values specified in bathyFile. If I want to obtain the actual 
depth used in the model do I need to loop over the rF array and check if 
it is smaller than R_low? (smaller since rF and R_low are negative 
values).  Then apply a hFac to the cell. So something like this...

do k=2,nr
     if ( (rF(k-1) .GT.  R_low(i,j,bi,bj) .AND.
            rF(k) .LE. R_low(i,j,bi,bj) ) then

          H = rF(k) + (dF(k) * hFacC(i,j,k,bi,bj))

    end if

end do

where H is the depth at that particular location. Not sure if it should 
be dF(k) or dF(k-1). Same on rF.

Any suggestions/comments are appreciated.



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