[MITgcm-support] large setup issues

Matthew Mazloff mmazloff at MIT.EDU
Wed Oct 29 17:33:49 EDT 2008


I'm having trouble initializing large setups on ranger.  The _BARRIER
doesnt seem to be acting as a BARRIER.  So when one processer is
still reading a namelist another processor is on a different list and
may overwrite the scratch file and thus crash the model.  (E.g. one
proc. wants to read scratch1 thinking it is the ini_parms name list
but another processor has overwritten the packages boot namelist there.)

A fix would be to have every processor write to its own file (e.g.
         WRITE(scrname1,'(3a)') 'scratch',myProcessStr(1:4),'_1'
         WRITE(scrname2,'(3a)') 'scratch',myProcessStr(1:4),'_2'
)  as I have done before...but shouldnt a barrier work...whats going on?


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