[MITgcm-support] request fo support

vinod mishra vkmishra2005 at gmail.com
Mon May 26 05:25:16 EDT 2008

my self working on following system
"IRIX Release 6.5 IP35 IRIS
Copyright 1987-2006 Silicon Graphics,"
but our system send the following error message after running the
command "../../../tools/genmake2
-mods=../code  ".

IRIS 4% sh ./genmake2 -mods=../code


A program for GENerating MAKEfiles for the MITgcm project.  For a
quick list of options, use "genmake -h" or for more detail see:


===  Processing options files and arguments  ===
  getting local config information:  none found
Warning:  ROOTDIR was not specified but there appears to be a copy of MITgcm
".." so we'll try it.
  getting OPTFILE information:
Warning: no OPTFILE specified so we'll look for possible settings

===  Searching for possible settings for OPTFILE  ===
  The platform appears to be:  irix64_ip35
  The possible C compilers found in your path are:
    c89 cc c99
  Setting C compiler to: c89
  The possible FORTRAN compilers found in your path are:
    f77 f90
  Setting OPTFILE to: ../tools/build_options/irix64_ip35_f77
    using OPTFILE="../tools/build_options/irix64_ip35_f77"
  getting AD_OPTFILE information:
    using AD_OPTFILE="../tools/adjoint_options/adjoint_default"

===  Checking system libraries  ===
  Do we have the system() command using f77...  yes
  Do we have the fdate() command using f77...  yes
  Do we have the etime() command using f77...  yes
  Can we call simple C routines (here, "cloc()") using f77...  no
  Can we unlimit the stack size using f77...  no
  Can we register a signal handler using f77...  no
  Can we use stat() through C calls...  no
  Can we create NetCDF-enabled binaries...  no

===  Setting defaults  ===
  Adding MODS directories:
Error: MODS directory "../code" not found!

therefore you are requested kindly suggest me how i make new optfile ? &
(or) how i proceed in next step.

with regard

Allahabad ,UP ,INDIA
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