[MITgcm-support] Problems with heat flux
Renske Gelderloos
gelderlo at knmi.nl
Fri May 23 07:17:07 EDT 2008
Dear all,
I'm trying to run a hydrostatic simulation with a heat flux at the
surface. As a basis I used exp2, and added a binary file for surfQFile
in input/data (and also changed the topography and number of tiles). To
keep things simple, the heat flux is uniform and not time dependent.
The problem is now that the binary file is read correctly by the model,
but it doesn't do anything with it. So the temperatures after a couple
of months is exactly the same as it was in the initial conditions. Using
some basic print statements I found out that "gT" and "theta" are
changed in "thermodynamics", "dynamics", and "tracer_correction_step". I
don't really understand how they are changed and what goes wrong.
Furthermore (I'm not sure whether or not this is the cause of the
malfunctioning of the heat flux in my case, or that I just don't
understand this part of the code), I think something strange happens in
the k-numbering in the "dynamics" part. In the loop where the tendency
is calculated (in mom_fluxform) the k is changed in the last loop over j
from k=1 to k=0, which doesn't exist. I added the output.txt file for
some reference and the extra print output.
Is there perhaps some extra switch I should turn on? Or is there
something else I should change?
Thanks for any help!
Renske Gelderloos
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