[MITgcm-support] obcs counters correctly defined??

Suneet Dwivedi suneetdwivedi at gmail.com
Mon May 12 15:44:16 EDT 2008

Hi Everyone,
When I tried to run the assimilation experiment with my adjoint code
using lsopt and optim, my optim.x run stops with the following error
forrtl: severe (67): input statement requires too much data, unit 20,
file /tmp/mitgcm_so_suneet/JHU_ctrl _MIT_CE_000.opt0000
Earlier, when i was running the same experiment without obcs package,
optim.x gave no problem and ran absolutely fine. This error is coming
only after I start using obcs (N,S,E,W) controls.

I checked optim_readdata.F and found that when obcs controls are
defined, it looks for the wet point counts at Northern, Southern,
Eastern and Western boundaries (nWetobcsnGlo, nWetobcssGlo and so on)
in the control file (JHU_ctrl _MIT_CE_000.opt0000) for optimization,
in addition to the nWetcGlobal, nWetsGlobal, nWetwGlobal and

I noticed that in my STDOUT.0000 file, there are "global nWet C/S/W/V"
values for different vertical levels but no "global nWet obcs T/S/U/V"
values; instead I found "global obcs N/S/E/W T,S,U,V" and "global
SUM(K) obcsN/S/E/W T,S,U,V".

I wonder is there any bug in the code in the way it writes the output
of the obcs files, especially, in the nomenclature, in which it
denotes the number of wet point counters at different boundaries. What
may me the other reasons for the abovesaid error message? Please help
me resolve this problem.
Hoping for reply,

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