[MITgcm-support] Problem with OBCs (bug ?)

Martin Losch Martin.Losch at awi.de
Thu Jun 26 04:00:21 EDT 2008

Nicolas, David,

just to clarify: the obcs-package can read time-dependent (and time- 
independent) boundary values from input files with and without the  
exf package. For "simple" idealized experiments the non-exf variant  
is usually sufficient (and I actually recommend that here, but with  
exf you can get the same results). The limitation is that all forcing  
fields (surface forcing and open boundary forcing) must be specificed  
at the same time intervals, e.g. there parameters in data (from exp4):
# periodicExternalForcing=.TRUE.,
# externForcingPeriod=600.,
# externForcingCycle=1200.,
lead to the behavior that new forcing and boundary condition files  
are read every 600 (model-)sec, and that after 1200sec, the model  
takes the first record of the forcing files again (so in this case  
there need to be 2 records in the files).
With exf you can do the same thing, but you can specify the "period"  
and "cycle" for each field individually, and you have the full  
calendar functionality. The downside is that you have to spend more  
time configuring the namelists (and consequently there are more traps  
along the way).

Nicolas, what you are doing is perfectly OK in terms of time  
dependence. With the exf ("external forcing", not just surface  
forcing) pkg or the above method, you'll just have a little more  
flexibility, e.g., you don't need to recompile the model, you can use  
the same exectuable with different input fields, which can be handy.


On 25 Jun 2008, at 16:53, David Hebert wrote:

> Nicolas,
> I believe you need to use exf (and cal) to set time periods for  
> forcing with OBCS. So say you wish to start from 0 and after n  
> timesteps you want to have U and V on the boundary. Then you need  
> exf to set the period to n * dt.
> Now as a quick pointer, exf will read from OBCS file every n  
> timesteps, so you will need a value for U and V for each "snapshot"  
> in time time that it reads. Also, exf interpolates between  
> "snapshots", so be sure to add and extra two snapshots. Otherwise  
> at last timestep simulation will crash because it can't read last  
> OBCS value.
> David
> Nicolas Grisouard wrote:
>> David,
>> You are right, I got a little bit confused in my boundary  
>> conditions and the first case was kind of useless...
>> I'll use a different ramp, but have one more question : what does  
>> the exf package improve when added to the obcs package ? I never  
>> used it, but it looks like it is designed to apply a forcing at  
>> the surface, which is not what I want. Am I wrong ?
>> Thanks,
>> Nicolas
>> David Hebert wrote:
>>> Nicolas,
>>> In your second and third case, are the U and V at the boundary  
>>> non-zero? If so, it looks like a vertical velocity W is begin  
>>> generated from continuity, since you can not expressly specify W.  
>>> This happens because you have zero velocity fields but velocity  
>>> on the boundary, causing a velocity gradient. I have run into  
>>> this issue is some of my work.
>>> If you want to start with your U and V fields (and W) at zero, a  
>>> solution is to use the exf package and start the boundary U and V  
>>> at zero. Then "ramp" the boundaries to the desired values.  
>>> Another possibility is to specify U and V fields the same as the  
>>> boundary values. This will result in zero velocity gradients, and  
>>> not generate W from continuity.
>>> David
>>> Nicolas Grisouard wrote:
>>>> Hi  everyone,
>>>> I am running experiments about internal waves forced through  
>>>> open boundary condition on the western boundary (a little bit  
>>>> like the internal_wave experiment, but with more complex forcings).
>>>> I have been getting a weird behaviour for the past months but  
>>>> only noticed it a few days ago, since this problem now induces  
>>>> unphysical features. I think I isolated one problem and think it  
>>>> involves the OBCS package.
>>>> About the first issue. I tried to implement two forcings that  
>>>> are about the same. Configuration #1 (C1), in obcs_calc.F :
>>>>        DO K=1,Nr
>>>>          DO J=1-Oly,sNy+Oly
>>>>             OBWu(J,K,bi,bj)=0. _d 0
>>>>     &            +Uinflow*ramptime2
>>>>     &            * sin(2*PI*(float(k)/float(Nr)-5.D-1))
>>>>     &            * sin(2.0 _d 0*PI*futureTime/obTimeScale)
>>>>             OBWv(J,K,bi,bj)=0. _d 0
>>>>     &            +Uinflow
>>>>     &            *f0/(2.0 _d 0*PI/obTimeScale)
>>>>     &            *cos(2. _d 0*PI*futureTime/obTimeScale )
>>>>             OBWt(J,K,bi,bj)=tRef(K)
>>>> #ifdef ALLOW_NONHYDROSTATIC     ! I do allow nonhydrosatic effects
>>>>             OBWw(J,K,bi,bj)=0.
>>>> #endif
>>>>          ENDDO
>>>>        ENDDO
>>>> That is, in human-friendly format :
>>>> u(z,t) = U.f(t) . sin[2.pi.(z/H - 1/2)] . sin(2.pi.t/T)
>>>> everything_else = 0 as f0 = 0 (nonrotating case)
>>>> f(t) = function that smoothes the activation of the forcing and  
>>>> equal to 1.8% at t= 0
>>>> H = height of the domain
>>>> kz = 2*pi/H
>>>> T = period of the forcing so that frequency < N
>>>> So we have a "stationary" forcing. At time t = 0, the fields are  
>>>> like they should be : the stratification is as set in gendata  
>>>> and the velocities fields are = 0.
>>>> If we now take the exact same configuration except for the  
>>>> forcing that is now "propagative" (C2) (the one I need) :
>>>>        DO K=1,Nr
>>>>          DO J=1-Oly,sNy+Oly
>>>>             OBWu(J,K,bi,bj)=0.D0
>>>>     &            +Uinflow*ramptime2
>>>>     &            * sin(2.D0 *PI*(float(k)/float(Nr)-5. _d -1
>>>>     &            - futureTime/obTimeScale))
>>>>             OBWv(J,K,bi,bj)=0. _d 0
>>>>     &            +Uinflow
>>>>     &            *f0/(2.0 _d 0*PI/obTimeScale)
>>>>     &            *cos(2. _d 0*PI*futureTime/obTimeScale )
>>>>             OBWt(J,K,bi,bj)=tRef(K)
>>>>             OBWw(J,K,bi,bj)=0.
>>>> #endif
>>>>          ENDDO
>>>>        ENDDO
>>>> Again :
>>>> u(z,t) = U.f(t). sin[2.pi.(z/H - 1/2 - t/T)]
>>>> Now at time t = 0, the U and T fields are like they should be,  
>>>> but the W field shows someting odd, as displayed in figure  
>>>> propagative.jpg. The vertical velocity is non-zero at the column  
>>>> that is next to the point i = 1. This induces parasite emission  
>>>> of waves in the best scenario and maybe the blowing of the  
>>>> computation in the worst scenario.
>>>> Third configuration (C3), to complete C2 :
>>>> u(z,t) = U.f(t). sin[2.pi.(z/H - t/T)]
>>>> I get a W field as shown in propagative2.jpg : same as in  
>>>> propagative.jpg but opposite values of velocities. I would have  
>>>> expected a node in the middle...
>>>> I have no idea how to fix this and am ready to give any  
>>>> additional information to who could help me of course.
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