[MITgcm-support] Coding help: random numerical errors while running in MPI
Christopher L. Wolfe
clwolfe at ucsd.edu
Wed Jun 4 21:18:20 EDT 2008
Hi all,
I'm trying to write a package for the MITgcm that does zonal averages
along isopycnals. I've managed to get it working on in a single tile
configuration, but when I try to run it using multiple tiles using
MPI, I occasionally (about 1 in 5 runs) get random errors in the
output. These errors are on the order of 10% of the correct output
values and they only seem to infest a few (randomly varying) grid
points at a time. I mainly figured out how to do inter-tile
communication by copying other routines in the MITgcm, so I may have
made a mistake that would be obvious to someone more experienced with
MPI. I was hoping someone might be able to help me find the problem.
The only piece that makes explicit use of MPI is the output routine,
which makes use of a modified version of gather_xy. (The averaged
data don't fit onto the computational grid, so I couldn't figure out
how to write the data with the standard IO routines.) These files are
The weird thing is that when the commented out write statement on
lines 65--67 uncommented, the code works fine.
Thanks in advance for the help,
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Dr. Christopher L. Wolfe 858-534-4560
Physical Oceanography Research Division OAR 357
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD clwolfe at ucsd.edu
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