[MITgcm-support] zonal or meridional means on multiple processors

Martin Losch Martin.Losch at awi.de
Thu Jan 17 07:57:02 EST 2008

Hi there,

in a multiprocessor set up I would like to compute a zonal (in i- 
direction) or meridional (in j-direction) mean for an online  
diagnostic. Is there a convenient way of doing this in the MITgcm or  
will I have to get out my MPI handbook (not that I know how to use it)?

In ebm_zonalmean I see an example with global_sum, but I am not sure  
that this will work, as global_sum contains an MPI_Allreduce which  
should (in my view of the world) sum over all processors and not only  
over the zonal ones.


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