[MITgcm-support] SOM

Michael A. Spall mspall at whoi.edu
Tue Feb 5 12:05:49 EST 2008

Hi All,

I have seen some discussions of the SOM advection scheme and I would
like to try it.  I have just downloaded the latest version of MITgcm.
I can't find the code to turn on the scheme, what do I set
tempAdvScheme to and are there any compatibility issues
(staggeredTimeStep, etc)?  I am doing high resolution problems
(dx = O(1 km)) and would like to minimize horizontal and
spurious diapycnal mixing.  Is SOM the best one to use?  I looked
at Alistair's ppt talk where OS7MP is better for "limited" cases,
but I don't know what "limited" means.



Michael A. Spall
Department of Physical Oceanography
W.H.O.I. MS #21
360 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA   02543

mspall at whoi.edu
(508) 289-3342 (office)
(508) 457-2181 (fax)


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