[MITgcm-support] Bug: undeclared forcing-file names in seaice_get_forcing

Mark Hadfield m.hadfield at niwa.co.nz
Tue Aug 12 00:32:52 EDT 2008

Hello all
With MITgcm source updated today (checkpoint61b), for the unmodified verification/lab_sea case, I am getting compiler errors in subroutine SEAICE_GET_FORCING for the variables representing the names of various forcing files:

In file seaice_get_forcing.for:2485
        WRITE(fName,'(A,I2.2)') uwindFile(1:iEnd), CurrentYear2
Error: Unexpected array reference at (1)
In file seaice_get_forcing.for:2491
        WRITE(fName,'(A,I2.2)') vwindFile(1:iEnd), CurrentYear2
Error: Unexpected array reference at (1)
uwindFile, vwindFile, etc are declared as character variables in pkg/exf/EXF_PARAM.h. How are those declarations supposed to get into SEAICE_GET_FORCING?
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