[MITgcm-support] viscosities

lina sitz linasitz at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 10:57:19 EST 2007

I'm Lina Sitz and I'm new using MITgcm. I'm studying the vortex-pair
formation in a basin, product of a tidal-jet arriving from a channel.
Maximum velocities of the jet are 1 m/seg approximately and the tidal period
is 12 hs. The eddies have a radio of 2.5 km approximately. The horizontal
dimension of the region is 15x30 km and the depth is 25 m.
Because of the size of the channel and the dimension of the problem I would
like to use a variable resolution (between 50 and 400 m), but I would like
to know what kind of viscosity I must to set, when running MITgcm. I tried
with different values of constant viscosities, taking into acount the
stabilities constraint, but the solution have noise, even using a grid with
constant resolution (50 m). I don't know if in this kind of problem is more
adequate to use Smagorinsky or Leith viscosities or if the values that I'm
using are not correct.

I apologize because of my English and I would appreciate any suggestion.

Thanks in advance!
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