[MITgcm-support] update breakage

Jean-Michel Campin jmc at ocean.mit.edu
Thu Aug 9 16:36:19 EDT 2007

Hi Michael,

few things regarding the linux case:
1) how old (or better, which checkpoint) is the old version you were using 
  before the update ? v.1.11 of exf_bulkformulae.F has not been modified
  for a long period after 2005/12/13.
2) are you using the same optfile with both version of the code ?
3) we have daily testing of pgf77 on fc6 (faulks) that compiles perfectly 
 fine with the latest version of the code : http://mitgcm.org/testing.html
 to fix your problem, would help to know more about
 the compiler (version ?) (and might be stupid from me, could different
 ccp version behave differently ?).
4) could be usefull to get a copy of your exf_readparms.f file (after cpp) 
 to see (with those line number) where the problem is.


On Thu, Aug 09, 2007 at 10:42:42AM -0500, Michael Schaferkotter wrote:
> greetings;
> i updated via cvs 20070808 on a ppc mac and also on a linux machine.
> successful compiles for each moments before the update.
> now both compiles break. here/s the info for the linux instance:
> Linux 2.6.20-1.2952.fc6 i686 i686
> # OPTFILE = "linux_ia32_pgf77"
> FC='pgf77'
> CC='gcc'
> CPP='cpp -traditional -P'
> CPP='/lib/cpp -traditional -P'
> FFLAGS='-byteswapio -r8 -Mnodclchk -Mextend'
> LIBS='-L/common/netcdf/x86/3.6.0-p1/pgf-6.02/lib -lnetcdf'
> INCLUDES='-I/common/netcdf/x86/3.6.0-p1/pgf-6.02/include'
> pgf77 -byteswapio -r8 -Mnodclchk -Mextend  -c exf_readparms.f
> PGFTN-S-0021-Label field of continuation line is not blank (exf_readparms.f: 2848)
> PGFTN-S-0038-Symbol, date_array, has not been explicitly declared (exf_readparms.f: 2850)
> PGFTN-S-0038-Symbol, modelstartdate, has not been explicitly declared (exf_readparms.f: 2852)
> PGFTN-S-0038-Symbol, difftime, has not been explicitly declared (exf_readparms.f: 2852)
> PGFTN-S-0038-Symbol, modelstart, has not been explicitly declared (exf_readparms.f: 2854)
> PGFTN-S-0021-Label field of continuation line is not blank (exf_readparms.f: 2889)
> PGFTN-S-0021-Label field of continuation line is not blank (exf_readparms.f: 2893)
>   0 inform,   0 warnings,   7 severes, 0 fatal for exf_readparms
> PGFTN/x86 Linux/x86 6.2-3: compilation completed with severe errors
> make: *** [exf_readparms.o] Error 2
> for the ppc mac 
> Darwin 8.10.0 Power Macintosh powerpc
> # OPTFILE="darwin_ppc_f95"
> CPP='/usr/bin/cpp -traditional -P -xassembler-with-cpp'
> FC='/Applications/Absoft/bin/f95'
> LINK='/Applications/Absoft/bin/f95'
> LIBS='-L/Applications/Absoft/lib -lU77'
> S64='$(TOOLSDIR)/set64bitConst.sh'
> #MAKEDEPEND='${TOOLSDIR}/xmakedepend'
> MAKEDEPEND='makedepend'
> cat exf_bulkformulae.F | /Users/schaferk/MITgcm/tools/set64bitConst.sh |  /usr/bin/cpp -traditional -P -xassembler-with-cpp -DWORDLENGTH=4 -DHAVE_SYSTEM -DHAVE_CLOC -DHAVE_SETRLSTK -DHAVE_SIGREG -DHAVE_STAT  -I.  > exf_bulkformulae.for
> /Applications/Absoft/bin/f95 -YEXT_NAMES=LCS  -c exf_bulkformulae.for
>       Real*8 czol
>              ^    
> cf90-554 f90fe: ERROR EXF_BULKFORMULAE, File = exf_bulkformulae.for, Line = 2544, Column = 14 
>   "CZOL" has the DOUBLE PRECISION attribute.  It must not be given the DOUBLE PRECISION attribute again.
>              umps   = sh(i,j,bi,bj)
>                       ^             
> cf90-232 f90fe: ERROR EXF_BULKFORMULAE, File = exf_bulkformulae.for, Line = 2613, Column = 23 
>   IMPLICIT NONE is specified in the local scope, therefore an explicit type must be specified for function "SH".
>              tmpbulk= exf_scal_BulkCdn *
>                       ^                  
> cf90-113 f90fe: ERROR EXF_BULKFORMULAE, File = exf_bulkformulae.for, Line = 2614, Column = 23 
>   IMPLICIT NONE is specified in the local scope, therefore an explicit type must be specified for data object "EXF_SCAL_BULKCDN".
>                   tau    = tau*wspeed(i,j,bi,bj)/sh(i,j,bi,bj)
> and quite a few more.
> when i diff the old and new exf_bulkformulae.F:
> 1c1,2
> < c $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/exf/exf_bulkformulae.F,v 1.11 2005/12/13 19:46:46 heimbach Exp $
> ---
> > C $Header: /u/gcmpack/MITgcm/pkg/exf/exf_bulkformulae.F,v 1.18 2007/08/01 23:03:26 heimbach Exp $
> many, many differences, particularly with #ifdef ALLOW_ATM_TEMP being omitted in the new version.
> the linux instance is on a production system, so that instance needs rather immediate attention.
> m. r. schaferkotter
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