[MITgcm-support] initialization issue

Matthew Mazloff mmazloff at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 14 12:00:07 EDT 2006

Hello again,

I have an initialization issue.  I give a hydrogThetaFile, and theta  
is initialized.  This is done correctly (the numbers look good), and  
no error is given in ini_theta (i.e. i do not receive:  'S/R  
INI_THETA: theta = 0 identically. If this is intentional, you will  
need to edit ini_theta.F to avoid this safety check').  The initial  
dump (T.0000000000.data), however, has some zero patterns.  This is  
true for salinity as well.  If I restart the model, but now giving  
hydrogThetaFile=T.0000000000.data, I then get the ini_theta error  
that theta=0 identically.

The pattern of zeros are bizarre.  There are 8 points in the first  
row...all along a line of constant latitude.  The next 23 levels have  
7 zero points in the latitude line.  The next level has 3 points,  
then 2 points, then 1 point.  The bottom layers are fine.  The  
latitude line changes...and the number of grid points from the  
beginning of one line to the beginning of the next changes each time.

has anyone ever experienced behavior like this before?  Can anyone  
think of a place/reason, why theta and salt would get set to zero  
after initialization.


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