[MITgcm-support] how to initialize seaice package

Matthew Mazloff mmazloff at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 13 14:53:23 EDT 2006

Hi Dimitris,

When I set       SEAICE_initialHEFF = 0.0  AREA is initialized to  
0.0, and when I set SEAICE_initialHEFF = 1.0  AREA is initialized to  
1.0.   This is good.

However, this is regardless of the fact  that, as STDOUT.0000 shows
(PID.TID 0000.0001) >      HeffFile  = 'SO6input/SO6_INI_ICECONC.bin',
so this is bad; Heff should be read in...and AREA should have a  
pattern that reflects this.  I do not get this...I am not sure  
why...I will have to work through this issue....it is very  
odd....luckily it appears to be easy to debug...not too much code

Another bizarre issue with the seaice package.  I am not getting a  
pickup_seaice.*.data file.  Again the code seems straightforward and  

I'll try to work these issues out.  any ideas?


On Sep 13, 2006, at 2:22 PM, Dimitris Menemenlis wrote:

> Hi Matt, actually HeffFile is supposed to represent initial  
> effective ice thickness not area.  Look at seaice_init.F for  
> initialization logic.
> First there is
>             HEFF(I,J,k,bi,bj)=SEAICE_initialHEFF*HEFFM(i,j,bi,bj)
> where HEFFM is a land mask.  Then there is
>        IF ( HeffFile .NE. ' ' ) THEN
>         CALL READ_FLD_XY_RL( HeffFile, ' ', ZETA, 0, myThid )
>              HEFF(I,J,k,bi,bj) = MAX(ZETA(i,j,bi,bj),ZERO)
> Finally there is
>             IF(HEFF(I,J,k,bi,bj).GT.ZERO) AREA(I,J,k,bi,bj)=ONE
> This has worked for me in the past so I am not sure why it is not  
> working for you.  How does your initial sea ice area compare with  
> Dimitris
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