[MITgcm-support] seaice advection without dynamical solver

Matthew Mazloff mmazloff at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 29 14:46:50 EST 2006


I would like to advect my seaice without using the dynamical solver.   
This seems straight forward.

seaice_advdiff.F              puts UICE and VICE  on C-grid as uc, vc  
and then passes these fields to
ADVECT.F                        which advects HEFF and AREA

With  SEAICE_ALLOW_DYNAMICS = FALSE   UICE & VICE are always zero as  
nothing really happens in dynsolver.F

If I set uc(vc) = Uvel(Vvel)(@ k=1) in seaice_advdiff before calling  
advect.F  then the seaice will get advected by the ocean surface  

Is this correct?

Is this OK or will this cause some gross inconsistency with the code?


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