[MITgcm-support] diagnostics changes

Jean-Michel Campin jmc at ocean.mit.edu
Mon Nov 20 00:16:28 EST 2006


In preparation for new diagnostics to come, and to make
it easier to identify which diagnostics to use,
some diagnostics names have been changed in the code
(Nov 19, after the tag: checkpoint58r_post).
The list of changes is attached here.

Note that, If you want to use an "old" data.diagnostics file
with the latest version of the code (or updated recently),
you will have to modify "data.diagnostics" by renaming the few
diagnostics that have changed, otherwise the model will stop
(with an error message).


-------------- next part --------------
Nov 19, 2006 (after tag checkpoint58r_post)

I) Some diagnostics have been renamed (essentially, to better
match the content):

1) name:	description (oceanic set-up):
PRESSURE	Cell-Center Height
replaced by:
RCENTER		Cell-Center Height

2) name:	description (oceanic set-up):
TICE		heat from melt/freeze of sea-ice, >0 increases theta
replaced by:
oceFreez	heating from freezing of sea-water (allowFreezing=T)

3) name:	description (oceanic set-up):
TAUX		zonal surface wind stress, >0 increases uVel
TAUY		meridional surf. wind stress, >0 increases vVel
replaced by:
oceTAUX		zonal surface wind stress, >0 increases uVel
oceTAUY		meridional surf. wind stress, >0 increases vVel

4) name:	description (oceanic set-up):
SWFLUX		net upward SW radiation, >0 increases theta
replaced by:
oceQsw		net Short-Wave radiation (+=down), >0 increases theta

5) name:	description (oceanic set-up):
DIFx_TH		Zonal      Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature
DIFy_TH		Meridional Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature
replaced by:
DFxE_TH		Zonal      Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature
DFyE_TH		Meridional Diffusive Flux of Pot.Temperature

6) name:	description (oceanic set-up):
DIFx_SLT	Zonal      Diffusive Flux of Salinity
DIFy_SLT	Meridional Diffusive Flux of Salinity
replaced by:
DFxE_SLT	Zonal      Diffusive Flux of Salinity
DFyE_SLT	Meridional Diffusive Flux of Salinity

II) Change description of existing diagnostics:

name:		old description (oceanic set-up):
TFLUX   	net surface heat flux, >0 increases theta
SFLUX   	net surface salt flux, >0 increases salt
name:		new description (oceanic set-up):
TFLUX   	total heat flux (match heat-content variations), >0 increases theta
SFLUX   	total salt flux (match salt-content variations), >0 increases salt

III) New diagnostics have been added:

name:		description (oceanic set-up):
atmPload	Atmospheric pressure loading
sIceLoad 	sea-ice loading (in Mass of ice+snow / area unit)
oceQnet		net surface heat flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 increases theta
oceFWflx	net surface Fresh-Water flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 decreases salinity
oceSflux 	net surface Salt flux into the ocean (+=down), >0 increases salinity
surForcT	model surface forcing for Temperature, >0 increases theta
surForcS	model surface forcing for Salinity, >0 increases salinity

Relation between surForcT,surForcS and others surface forcing diagnostics:
 [x] = average of model variable "x" over the diagnostic time interval

a) if useRealFreshWaterFlux=F or (nonlinFreeSurf=0 & usingZCoords=T)
 surForcT = oceQnet  + TRELAX - oceQsw
 surForcS = oceSflux + SRELAX - [PmEpR*So]
  (with So = local Sea-Surface Salinity (SSS) if convertFW2Salt=-1
    and So = convertFW2Salt otherwise)
 oceFWflx = [PmEpR]
 TFLUX = surForcT + oceQsw + oceFreez
 SFLUX = surForcS

b) if useRealFreshWaterFlux=T & (nonlinFreeSurf>0 or usingPCoords=T),
In general:
 surForcT = oceQnet  + TRELAX - oceQsw + [T_dilution_effect]*Cp
 surForcS = oceSflux + SRELAX          + [S_dilution_effect]
    where T_dilution_effect = PmEpR*( temp_EvPrRn - SST )
      and S_dilution_effect = PmEpR*( salt_EvPrRn - SSS )
 oceFWflx = [PmEpR]
 TFLUX = surForcT + oceQsw + oceFreez + [PmEpR*SST]*Cp
 SFLUX = surForcS + [PmEpR*SSS]

And with the default value: salt_EvPrRn=0. & temp_EvPrRn=UNSET_RL
 (=> no dilution effect on Temp.):
 surForcT = oceQnet  + TRELAX - oceQsw
 surForcS = oceSflux + SRELAX - [PmEpR*SSS]

1) here PmEpR is assumed to be the fresh-water mass flux
 per surface area [units: kg/m^2/s] whereas the model variable
 EmPmR is still a volume flux per surface area [units: m/s].
2) with Linear Free surface (nonlinFreeSurf=0), the term
corresponding to w_surface*SST,SSS is missing in TFLUX,SFLUX
[might be added later ?] to match exactly the Heat and Salt
budget evolution.

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