[MITgcm-support] hwo to use pickup

Yuan Lian lian at email.arizona.edu
Mon Jun 5 15:44:47 EDT 2006

Hi, Ming,

You can change niter0 in "data" to the number of time steps for pickup 
files. For example, if you have pickup files as 
"pickup.0001600000.001.001.data" and you continue your simulation from 
this pickup file, just simply set "niter0=1600000". However, if you want 
to conitune the simulation with different number of CPUs, you need to 
merge all the pickup files to a single one. For example, merge 
to "pickup.0001600000.data" using a script file "joinmds".

Ming Guo wrote:

> Hi all,
> How to use the pickup files to continue the model normally stopped 
> before?
> I will really appreciate it if anyone can give me some hints.
> Thanks,
> Ming
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