[MITgcm-support] s12t_16x32

Amitabh Mitra amitabhmitra1 at rediffmail.com
Tue Aug 22 06:31:14 EDT 2006


 By adding the 'eedata' file the error message is
 changed. The list below, shows the input files:

SGI_2100 8% ls
aqh_192_94_12.bin     data.gmredi           lwdown_192_94_12.bin
atemp_192_94_12.bin   data.kpp              mitgcmuv
bathy_Hmin50.bin      data.pkg              modpickup
data                  data.seaice           precip_192_94_12.bin
data.cal              eedata                swdown_192_94_12.bin
data.diagnostics      lev_S_cs_15k.bin      uwind_192_94_12.bin
data.exf              lev_T_cs_15k.bin      vwind_192_94_12.bin

 Now when I run the executable file 'mitgcmuv' the following 
 error message is displayed:

SGI_2100 9% mpirun -np 1 ./mitgcmuv

lib-4324 : UNRECOVERABLE library error
  The variable name 'CALENDARDUMPS' is unrecognized 
  in namelist input.

Encountered during a namelist READ from unit 11
Fortran unit 11 is connected to a sequential formatted text file:
IOT Trap
MPI: MPI_COMM_WORLD rank 0 has terminated 
without calling MPI_Finalize()
MPI: Received signal 6
 To remove the error, I comment the line calaendarDumps = .True.
 in 'data' file. The error message changes as shown below:

SGI_2100 18% mpirun -np 1 ./mitgcmuv

sys-2 : UNRECOVERABLE error on system request
  No such file or directory

Encountered during an OPEN of unit 9
Fortran unit 9 is not connected
IOT Trap
MPI: MPI_COMM_WORLD rank 0 has terminated 
without calling MPI_Finalize()
MPI: Received signal 6

 Please help me tackle this error. Thanking You.

 With Regards,

 Amitabh Mitra
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