[MITgcm-support] Re: non-MDSIO input files

Dmitri Leonov dleonov at u.washington.edu
Mon Aug 14 14:59:29 EDT 2006

Hello Ed,

Thanks for the info about default filenames.

There is one thing I don't quite understand though: after the grid data 
is read the exchange subroutines overwrite the +1 arrays at the northern 
and/or eastern boundaries by the western/southern boundary data. I'm 
wondering if that could be a problem for the open boundaries.

If it assumes periodicity in x and y is there a way to turn it off?



> Also, there is a not-well-documented subtlety in the handling of the
> sin/cos vector rotation parameters.  If you name the files using the
> default
>   "tile%03d.mitgrid"
> pattern [that is, the default for READSYMTILE_RS()] then you don't need
> to provide the vector rotation information (which is only used for a few
> obscure things currently).  If you use a non-default file name (which is
> what you did) then you must also specify the vector rotation information
> which is not computed in the script that I sent you earlier.
> Ed

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