[MITgcm-support] Where can I find High Resolution Simulations's configuration files?

Brainf brainf at 163.com
Fri Aug 11 22:54:31 EDT 2006

Hi all,
   I have see the  High Resolution Simulations Example,
like "Biogeochemical Tracers in a High Resolution Simulations of Ocean Circulation in the North Atlantic" (http://mitgcm.org/projects/atlantic0.166/)

It's very cool, I want do some region High Resolution example not global.
But i can't find this example configuration files in any directory.
(I search MITgcm/verification  and MITgcm_contrib)

or other  High Resolution example (like 1/8 degree lat-lon solutions.
http://ecco2.org/applications/mode_water_8.html) who have?  or tell me where can I find these expmple's configuration files?

Best regards. 

brainf at 163.com

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