[MITgcm-support] Ricr and MLDs

Dimitris Menemenlis menemenlis at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 3 13:17:50 EDT 2006

Hi David, there is no need to change the code.  Ricr is a parameter that can be 
changed in the runtime file called "data.kpp".  For example, add

  Ricr            = 0.3

in the &KPP_PARM01 namelist.  Also note that the value in the runtime file 
data.kpp will overwrite the default value in the code.  So maybe that is why you 
did not see a change in your test experiments.

> From the MITgcm website and my own searches through the code, it seem as
> though the only place to make this change is under the kpp_readparms.F
> script.  I reduced the Ricr to .27 and .24 (by altering the file under my
> /na_test/code folder so as not to change the original code), recompiling
> after each reduction to get two executables with reduced Ricr.

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