[MITgcm-support] Sea Ice Experiment

Ed Hill ed at eh3.com
Sat Apr 29 08:53:43 EDT 2006

On Sat, 2006-04-29 at 08:58 +0000, Amitabh Mitra wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> I added the word -traditional in my optfile.
> But it has no effect on the error produced earlier.
> I agree with you that the error is produced in the
> calendar package, because it is the first one to be 
> processed.
>     Moreover the computer is not able to recognise the
> traditional flag. I think some other correction is
> required for tackling this error.

Hi Amitabh,

As Patrick said, it looks you've encountered a C-preprocessor (cpp)
problem.  MITgcm works best with the Gnu cpp and we occasionally have
problems with older (usually proprietary) C-preprocessors as you're

So, do you gave the Gnu compiler (gcc) installed on that system?  GCC is
free (and Free!) and has been ported to basically every Unix-like
system.  If you have gcc, then you can use it in its C-preprocessor-only
mode with the -E option:

  CPP="/path/to/your/gcc -E -traditional"

and that should work.  And if gcc isn't installed on that system, then
please contact the system administrator.  There are readily available
source packages and some pre-built GCC binaries for a large number of
systems (including SGI Origin 2000 machines which is what yours appears
to be):


And if you can't get sysadmin help, then you can build custom versions
of GCC in your home directory and use them.  It relatively easy (I've
done it many times) -- just follow their directions for custom builds
with local installs.


Edward H. Hill III, PhD
office:  MIT Dept. of EAPS;  Rm 54-1424;  77 Massachusetts Ave.
             Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
emails:  eh3 at mit.edu                ed at eh3.com
URLs:    http://web.mit.edu/eh3/    http://eh3.com/
phone:   617-253-0098
fax:     617-253-4464

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