[MITgcm-support] RBCS

Dmitri Leonov dleonov at u.washington.edu
Mon Apr 17 20:11:29 EDT 2006

Hello all,

I'm trying to use temperature as an age tracer using RBCS. I need it to 
relax everywhere from Tref to zero. Do I need to specify the mask?

It stays at Tref during the integration. (tempStepping is set to .TRUE.) 
I'm wondering if anything is missing. Any suggestions?


My data.rbcs looks like this:
 tauRelax = 864000.,
 relaxBoundaryFile = '',
 rbcsIniter = 0,
 rbcsForcingPeriod = 0.,
 useRBCtemp = .TRUE.,
 useRBCsalt = .FALSE.,
 useRBCptracers = .FALSE.,

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