[MITgcm-support] mnc pkg writing out additional variables...

Karsten Friis kfriis at meteo.psu.edu
Tue Jun 14 18:35:01 EDT 2005

Hi Ed,

I want to add some variables to my netCDF output. At first this wasn't 
too much off a problem following your instructions online help. 
Everything was written in an additional file addvars.nc, worked fine. 
But now indeed need some help again, seems to be I can't do it myself...

I want to write out some fluxes, which are calculated in the routine 
dic_biotic_forcing.F, but ptracers_write_state.F doesn't know what I am 
talking about, providing me with the error message:

Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol `cflux' at (^) [initially 
seen at (^)]

I simply tried to call the subroutine:
           call DIC_BIOTIC_Forcing(cflux(1-Olx,1-Oly,1,bi,bj),
      &                          bi,bj,imin,imax,jmin,jmax,
      &                          myIter,myTime,myThid)

But this doesn't work, I get the error message. So how do I make the 
variables in dic_biotic_forcing.F or another file known to 

So long and best regards,
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