[MITgcm-support] viscAh & viscAz!

Göran Broström goran at misu.su.se
Mon Jul 18 15:47:53 EDT 2005

Hi again

I have a question about lateral boundary conditions and the new schemes. 
What are the boundary conditions??

The reason I ask is the when I used biharmonic friction, eddy-permitting 
resolution (0.3 degree), and vertical walls we got a very intense sinking in 
the northeastern corner (using a simple box 0-60N, 0-60E as the ocean). 
Joseph LaCasce thinks it can be something weird with the boundary conditions 
(he sent a question to the mitgcm list but did not receive any answers) 
although we have not yet completed a detailed analysis of the dynamics of 
the eastern boundary. (the intense downwelling seems to disappear with 
smooth sloping walls but that is another story). What will happen at the 
walls with the Leith scheme, will horizontal mixing go towards zero at the 
walls or will the boundary conditions come into play and possibly be 


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