[MITgcm-support] mpi on gfdl origin

Tom Haine Thomas.Haine at jhu.edu
Wed Sep 1 12:29:26 EDT 2004

I'm running mitgcm with mpi at GFDL with no problems (now!). I use
globalFiles=.TRUE. and it works OK (although it doesn't work on my
opteron cluster). I haven't experimented with useSingleCpuIO=.true. yet.

I have no problem with job control and receive all the usual STD output.
My job script is:

# run on 81 cpus for 480min
#$ -pe lsc.alloc 81 -l h_cpu=8:00:00
#$ -N mitgcmuv -o /home/twh/temp/run1.out
                                                                                                                                             cd $FTMPDIR
cp ~/MITgcm/twnh/spill_jet_2km/run1/bin/mitgcmuv .
cp ~/MITgcm/twnh/spill_jet_2km/run1/input/* .
cp /archive/twh/forcing/run1/* .
cp /archive/twh/spill_jet_2km/results/run1/pickup*21600* .
ls -alt
mpirun -np 81 mitgcmuv
ls -alt
                                                                                                                                              # Take care to write data in empty directory!!!!!
/bin/rm -r /archive/twh/spill_jet_2km/results/out
mkdir      /archive/twh/spill_jet_2km/results/out
mv *       /archive/twh/spill_jet_2km/results/out

 Thomas W. N. Haine

 Associate Professor of Physical Oceanography,
 Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences,
 329 Olin Hall, The Johns Hopkins University,
 Baltimore, MD 21218, USA.
 Tel : 410 516 7048,   Fax : 410 516 7933
 Thomas.Haine at jhu.edu  

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