[MITgcm-support] exactConserv & OBCs ?

Jean-Michel Campin jmc at ocean.mit.edu
Sat Oct 9 09:09:49 EDT 2004

Hi Alistair,

> Jean-Michel,
> Does exactConserv work with OBCs? I have a big speed up (x10) using z*
> but to use z* I have to use exactConserv. exactConserv messes up the
> pressure field at the open boundaries? Is there a missing obcs_apply_X
> somewhere?
> Figs attached are both z-coords (not z*). First has exactConserv=.F. and
> second has exactConserv=.T.
> A.

Few questions:

1) what is plotted and and what are the units ? 
2) what is the magnitude of the differences inside the domain ?
   the part that is outside the OBC is not relevant.
3) do you have gradient of bathymetry in the OBC region ?


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