[MITgcm-support] seaice

Mike Spall mspall at whoi.edu
Mon Nov 29 15:38:45 EST 2004

Hi All,

I am trying to learn to use the seaice package by
running it in a periodic channel with uniform flow
and some topography and uniform air temperature of
-20C.  It runs fine until ice begins to form, then
it blows up shortly after.  It appears that the
problem originates at the periodic boundary.  Has
anyone run the seaice model with periodic boundary
conditions?  Is it possible that there is a bug here?
It is at least (more?) likely that I am doing something
wrong, but so far changing model parameters seems to
have very little impact on the results.



Michael A. Spall
Department of Physical Oceanography
W.H.O.I. MS #21
360 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA   02543

mspall at whoi.edu
(508) 289-3342 (office)
(508) 457-2181 (fax)


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