[MITgcm-support] Doing a channel

Jean-Michel Campin jmc at ocean.mit.edu
Wed Jul 7 09:30:25 EDT 2004

Hi Yuan,

> Dear MITgcm support team,
> I am trying to do atmospheric dynamical problem with a zonal channel from 20N to
> 70N. I know how to do an equatorial channel from 70S to 70N, however I can't
> figure out how to do a channel required by my problem. Could anyone tell me how
> to do a channel from 20N to 70N? Thanks a lot!
> Best regards,
> Yuan

The easiest thing to do is to "put a wall" either at the Northern or
at the Southern boundary of your domain.
Suppose your resolution is 5.degree in Lat., 10 grid points
to cover 20.N - 70.N. You add 1 more "dead" row at the North
and get sNy=11 (in SIZE.h), phiMin=20., (in data).
Then you just need to create a fixed surface pressure file 
(e.g. "topoP_Nclosed") with 0 at j=11 and 10^5 (=Ro_SeaLevel) 
elsewhere, and to add in data file:

Note: The Equatorial Channel experiment (aim.5l_Equatorial_Channel) 
 contains a specific version of ini_depth.F 
 (aim.5l_Equatorial_Channel/code/ini_depth.F) that explicitly
 closes the domain for |yLat| > -phiMin. 
 if you want to close the domain as suggested above, you 
 should not use this specific version of ini_depth.F but just 
 the standard one (model/src/ini_depth.F).

All the best,


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