[MITgcm-support] genmake2 problem

Stephanie Dutkiewicz stephd at ocean.mit.edu
Fri Nov 21 13:47:17 EST 2003

Hi -
I'm trying to compile on codfish.mit.edu (a 2 processor pc box
running susie linux -- Mick's computer).
The same code compiles with genmake2 fine on tolkien.lcs.
And older code compiles fine with genmake on codfish

but with genmake2 (and newer code) I get the following error:
stephd at codfish:~/c52_npzd/npzdrun/bin> ../../tools/genmake2 -mods ../code

===  Processing options files and arguments  ===
  getting local config information:  none found
Error: Cannot determine ROOTDIR for MITgcm code.
  Please specify a ROOTDIR using either an options
  file or a command-line option.

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