[MITgcm-support] FC=f77

Ed Hill ed at eh3.com
Thu Nov 13 21:27:28 EST 2003

On Thu, 2003-11-13 at 20:58, Dimitris Menemenlis wrote:
> Ed, would it make sense to set a default FC to f77 in genmake2,
> to maintain compatibility with previous genmake?
> See error message below.
> Alternatively, I can add these one by one in the configuration
> files that I use and that lack it?

Hi Dimitris,

*** Short Answer ***

If you're going to the trouble of specifying an optfile, then please
make sure that the optfile is both complete and correct -- that is, make
sure that it specifies the compiler and all the other options that you
want.  Then please add it to CVS so others can benefit!

*** Long Answer ***

We actually have a mechanism in place for choosing defaults and the way
to do it is to *not* specify an optfile.  Just use a very minimal
command line invocation such as:

  ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods=../code
  ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods=../code -fc=ifc

and genmake2 will try to determine the optfile that matches your
particular machine.  The way it does the match is to find the first
optfile with a name that matches the combination:


If no optfile matches that exact combination then please create one or
let me know what you want and and I'll help you create one.

Sorry for the long-ish answer.  I admit that this default mechanism
needs to be improved.  And probably the best way to do it is to increase
the list of optfiles that are both complete/correct and named in a
consistent fashion.


Edward H. Hill III, PhD
office:  MIT Dept. of EAPS;  Room 54-1424;  77 Massachusetts Ave.
            Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
email:   eh3 at mit.edu,  ed at eh3.com
URL:     http://web.mit.edu/eh3/
phone:   617-253-0098
fax:     617-253-4464
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