[Mitgcm-support] Unsetting buoyancyRelation

mitgcm-support at dev.mitgcm.org mitgcm-support at dev.mitgcm.org
Wed Jul 9 15:54:03 EDT 2003


the Norwegian village idiot has finally realized that
running the code on several processors is a good idea.
After finally getting the code properly MPI-compiled,
I am stuck with a run-time error. After about 10
timesteps, the character variable buoyancyRelation
is changed from 'OCEANIC' to rubbish 

The end of CALC_PHI_HYD.F is reached accordingly and the code stops.

STOP CALC_PHI_HYD: We should never reach this point! statement executed

Any ideas?

The version used is checkpt40pre5 and it is run on an SGI Origin 3000.
The domain is 16 x 64 x 64. The error does not occur if
the coMPIlied coed is run on a single processor.
Below are the first few lines of the Makefile.

  Tor Eldevik, Research Scientist

  Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center
  Edvard Griegs vei 3a, N-5059 Bergen, Norway

  +47 55 29 29 01 ext. 225 (direct)
  +47 55 29 72 88          (manual switch board)
  +47 55 20 00 50          (fax)
  tor.eldevik at nersc.no     http://www.nersc.no/~torel/
 Multithreaded + multi-processing makefile for IRIX64 gridur 6.5
07091544 IP35
# This makefile was generated automatically on
#    Fri Nov 23 11:18:35 MET 2001
# by the command:
#    ../../../tools/genmake -mpi
imeave,zonal_filt -mods=../code/
# executed by:
elde at gridur:/home/u1/elde/mitgcmUV/checkpt40pre5/verification/MPItesting/input
# BUILDDIR     : Directory where object files are written
# SOURCEDIRS   : Directories containing the source (.F) files
# INCLUDEDIRS  : Directories containing the header-source (.h) files
# EXEDIR       : Directory where executable that is generated is written
# EXECUTABLE   : Full path of executable binary
# CPP          : C-preprocessor command
# INCLUDES     : Directories searched for header files
# DEFINES      : Macro definitions for CPP
# KPP          : Special preprocessor command (specific to platform)
# KFLAGS       : Flags for KPP
# FC           : Fortran compiler command
# FFLAGS       : Configuration/debugging options for FC
# FOPTIM       : Optimization options for FC
# LINK         : Command for link editor program
# LIBS         : Library flags /or/ additional optimization/debugging

ROOTDIR     = ../../..
SOURCEDIRS  = ../code/ ../../../pkg/debug ../../../pkg/generic_advdiff
../../../pkg/mom_fluxform ../../../pkg
/monitor ../../../eesupp/src ../../../model/src
INCLUDEDIRS = . ../code/ ../../../pkg/debug ../../../pkg/generic_advdiff
../../../pkg/mom_fluxform ../../../p
kg/monitor ../../../eesupp/inc ../../../model/inc
EXEDIR      = .
EXECUTABLE  = $(EXEDIR)/mitgcmuv
TOOLSDIR    = ../../../tools

# Unix ln (link)
LN = ln -s
# C preprocessor
CPP = cat $< | $(TOOLSDIR)/set64bitConst.sh | /lib/cpp -P
# Special preprocessor (KAP on DECs, FPP on Crays)
# Fortran compiler
FC = f77
# Link editor
LINK = f77

# Defines for CPP
# Includes for CPP
INCLUDES = -I/usr/local/mpi/include -I. -I../code/ -I../../../pkg/debug
-I../../../pkg/generic_advdiff -I../.
./../pkg/mom_fluxform -I../../../pkg/monitor -I../../../eesupp/inc
# Flags for KPP
# Optim./debug for FC
FFLAGS = -extend_source -mp -mpio -bytereclen -64 -r12000 -mips4 -r8
CFLAGS = -64
# Files that should not be optimized
# Flags and libraries needed for linking
XLIBS = -lmpi

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