[Mitgcm-support] ptracers

mitgcm-support at dev.mitgcm.org mitgcm-support at dev.mitgcm.org
Wed Jul 9 15:34:42 EDT 2003

There's a little problem in S/R ptracers_forcing.F

I've tried to reproduce the
verification/carbon/ exp. which uses tr1
using ptracers

In order to get same results, I have to replace
in ptracers_forcing.F
      &      + EmPmR(i,j,bi,bj)*convertFW2Salt
      &           *recip_drF(1)*recip_hFacC(i,j,1,bi,bj)
      &      - lambdaSaltClimRelax*
      &           (pTracer(i,j,k,bi,bj,iTracer)-SSS(i,j,bi,bj))


      &   +maskC(i,j,k,bi,bj)*surfaceTendencyS(i,j,bi,bj)

The latter block is the one used in external_forcing_s
so I think if one wants to test ...

C Here, we'll copy the exact forcing used for salinity to allow us
C to test everything is working.

as stated in the comments,
the latter block should be used.


Patrick Heimbach ............................. MIT
FON: +1/617/253-5259 .......... EAPS, Room 54-1518
FAX: +1/617/253-4464 ..... 77 Massachusetts Avenue
mailto:heimbach at mit.edu ....... Cambridge MA 02139
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