[MITgcm-support] Document Errata

Ed Hill ed at eh3.com
Thu Aug 7 08:13:09 EDT 2003

Hi Yuanlong,

I've gone through your comments and fixed many of the minor ones.  The
details are listed below:

  d = done
  ? = need more information
  ip = fix is "in progress"
  -- = other comment

The /dev_docs/ directory was just re-built.


>   d  1. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node13.html first
>         sentence of the first paragraph: “inquiring in to” may read
>         “inquiring into”.
>   d  2. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node14.html last
>         sentence of the first paragraph: “(left hand side of figure
>         1.14) and height, $ z$, if we are modeling the ocean (right hand
>         side of figure 1.14)” should read “(right hand side of figure
>         1.14) and height, $ z$, if we are modeling the ocean (left hand
>         side of figure 1.14)”
>   d  3. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node15.html separate
>         “at” from strings infront and behind in equations (1.6) and
>         (1.7).
>   ?  4. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node18.html broken
>         link in “and write eq([*]) in the form:” of the third line.
>   ?  5. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node18.html#SECTION00234320000000000000 $\displaystyle \dot{r}=\frac{Dp}{Dt}=\frac{1}{g}\frac{D\phi }{Dt}$ where $ p_{hy}$ is the hydrostatic pressure, Change p in Eq. (1.31) to $ p_{hy}$.
>  --  6. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node32.html in
>         Figure 2.1: u,v* should read u*,v*.

I agree the notation is a bit sloppy.  But just that one change won't
fix it since there are three locations indicating (u,v) at different
steps through the algorithm.

>   ?  7. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node33.html (2.19)
>         $\displaystyle \eta^*$ $\displaystyle= $$\displaystyle
>         \epsilon_{fs} \left( \eta^{n} +P-E+R \right)- \Delta t\partial_x
>         H \widehat{u^{*}}+ \partial_y H \widehat{v^{*}}$ have some
>         flauts.
>  --  8. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node36.html in
>         Figure 2.4: (theta, S*) and (u, v*) should read (theta*, S*) and
>         (u*, v*).

Again, I don't think your one suggested change fixes it.

>   ?  9. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node39.html Broken
>         link in “Once $ {\eta}^{n+1}$ has been found, substituting into
>         [*] yields...”
>  ip 10. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node46.html Links to
>         the codes are all broken, and many thereafter.
>  -- 11. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node47.html in
>         Figure 2.8 caption: Ac in c) and d) should be Au and Av
>         respectively; In context for Fig. 2.8b: DXg, DYg should read
>         DXc, DYc; Broken link in “see section [*] for more details” of
>         line 2.

I don't understand whether this is right or wrong and will ask Chris.

>  -- 12. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node48.html in
>         Figure 2.9: (a) and (b) are the same!

Good point!  The LaTeX source specifies two different files:


but they do appear to be the same.

>   ? 13. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node49.html Add
>         explaination for hFacS.
>  -- 14. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node85.html Change
>         “% cvs co -d directory -P -r release1_beta1 MITgcm” and related
>         context.

Will update when its time for the new release.

>   ? 15. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node88.html Change
>         “exp1 - Four layer, ocean double gyre. This experiment is
>         described in detail in section [*]“ to “exp1 - Four layer, ocean
>         double gyre. This experiment is described in detail in section
>         3.10”
>   ? 16. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node94.html Add more
>         explainations for output filename convention, i.e., convention
>         for *.000000Itern.???.???.data.  
>  ip 17. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node95.html either
>         change input files or change examples of matlab scripts to make
>         them work.
>   d 18. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node103.html the two
>         paragraphs are almost the same.
>   ? 19. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node107.html#SECTION00493400000000000000 in section yn should read y.
>  -- 20. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node112.html in
>         section 3.10.4 first line: verification/exp2/ should read
>         vierfication/exp1/

Will check this -- also code links here are being fixed.

>   ? 21. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node112.html#SECTION004104600000000000000 the sNx and sNy here (=60) are not consistent with the SIZE.h file where these two are 30. I suggest change the sNx and sNy in SIZE.h to 60 and set nSx and nSy to 1 instead of 2. Thus the beginer can handle the output file more easier (i.e. Only one grid file) instead of dealing with tiling subgrid outputs (that's where those *.000000iter.???.??? files come from!)
>   ? 22. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node113.html this
>         section can be deleted since it is redundant.
>   ? 23. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node117.html#SECTION004113200000000000000 for bulleted item Line 30: eosType='POLY3' should read eosType='LINEAR'; bulleted item Line 45: 20 mins should read 40 mins (2400s/60=40min);
>   ? 24. Sections to are not related to this case and
>         should be deleted

>  -- 25. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node124.html the
>         first paragraph is not related.

Are you sure?

>   ? 26. Held-Suarez Atmospheric Simulation at 2.8 degree Resolution.
>         Comments: No problem in executon. But the results are
>         questionable. I checked the Temperature fields. There are some
>         spikelike features embeded in a nevertheless smoothed fields.
>         Those values are extremely large (~1027) yet others are in
>         general between 3.7 – 3.8 (is this surposed be in K?)
>   d 27. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node126.html
>         verification/exp2 should read verification/hs94.128x64x5.
>   ? 28. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node127.html Surface
>         Driven Convection. Comments: Can't find verification/convection
>         directory! I searched the Qsurf.bin file that is exlusively used
>         by this case (as described in doc) but couldn't find it. I guess
>         it is missing from the package.
>   ? 29. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node133.html section
>         3.14.6 can be deleted.
>   ? 30. Gravity Plume on a Continental Slope. Comments: Successfully
>         executed. Although the output figures need some work since the
>         grid system is not a regular one.
>   ? 31. Centennial Time Scale Tracer Injection. Comments: The whole
>         section 3.16 is a copy of case (3), where is the case?
>   ? 32. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node145.html the
>         first paragraph is similar to the last paragraph of section 4.1.
>         Also in it, section 3.8 mentioned is non-related to the context.
>   d 33. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node147.html in
>         Figure 4.1 caption: “is written too fit...” should read “is
>         written to fit...”.
>   d 34. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node148.html in last
>         second sentence: “is also used routinely used on ...” should
>         read “is also routinely used on ...”
>   d 35. http://mitgcm.org/dev_docs/online_documents/node151.html in
>         section the last sentence: delete “on”.

Edward H. Hill III, PhD
office:  MIT Dept. of EAPS;  Room 54-1424;  77 Massachusetts Ave.
            Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
email:   eh3 at mit.edu,  ed at eh3.com
URL:     http://web.mit.edu/eh3/
phone:   617-253-0098
fax:     617-253-4464
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